hardly learn anything new.good for listening comprehension only
我还是…心理上有点接受不了十二 可能小十和小十一我是同时看的他们两在我眼里格伦死了吗就是两个内核一样性格经历不同的doctor我都非常喜欢 但是十二的话除了几集特定的整体剧情人物都大大退步clara也崩的没眼看她是为了救doctor能够不顾自己性命的人怎么可能会丢掉tadis的钥匙怎么可能置doctor于死地呢 更别说十三姨了人设剧情崩的更厉害了十四是黑人我没有不尊重黑人的意思但我觉得这不是我的doctor E01-02 be mercy 十三的节奏都挺慢的 这季节奏都好慢啊 其实这个故事量一集就足够讲完了却做成了双集模式所以整个节奏都很慢
actually it's only half-musical. i don't like posner's voice but he's definitely a v good singer. most of the stuff is v diff for me so i don't quite understand the quotations and history. v sad and unfortunate ending though. does it have to be like